Yogesh Jangir : During the time of the pandemic, when the business faced huge losses, the digital marketing industry boomed. The necessity for Digital Marketing is realized now to be more than ever. In this blog, we are going to see the beautiful journey of one of the youngest entrepreneurs “Yogesh Jangir” who is smart, alert, confident, and believes in changes.
Yogesh Jangir started his journey at the very young one. He was born in Narnual, Haryana, India. He is 19, years old. At the start he was focused on Youtube as a math’s teacher in the age of 18 year , In the year 2021 , he started his journey as a youtube content creator. He used to create math’s topic videos to attract the audience. He continued his journey as a Youtube creator for 4 months, but the young yogesh jangir realized that this is not the platform he is looking for. He was stuck there and the growth was constant so he decided to switch his career.
Then he started his journey in Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a great option for first-time entrepreneurs. Affiliate marketing is a method where a store does not keep the products it provides online courses or online products. Rather, it purchases the course or product from a third party and has it provides directly to the customer or students. As the result, the seller doesn’t need to handle the product directly. At first he work with someone who also do good business in affiliate marketing , At first, his business was great he generated revenue of 50000+ in the first 3 months. But when he decide that he do this business full time than he learn basic modal of this structure . After this , he decide that he creat his own company ” The Future Achiever” and he gives his 100% efforts and make 2,00,000+ in his first month.
Yogesh jangir
Yogesh jangir started his journey with Instagram. As a Digital marketing entrepreneur, being creative and innovative is what helps you in standing out from the competition and he is one creative man. He believes in discovering opportunities and experimenting with concepts and it goes hand-in-hand with logical and methodological approaches. So he created an Instagram page where he used to create content such as motivational, Business related, etc. He gained 300+ but all are organic followers on Instagram and then he started a product promotion, where he earned
Instagram= https://instagram.com/enoughyogesh?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=