11th May,2023 – Swami Vivekananda University (SVU) , Barrackpore, Kolkata, India has entered into an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Policy Research Centre, Bangladesh (PRC bd.) This MoU is executed between Swami Vivekananda University which is a young yet vibrant University and the Policy Research Centre, Bangladesh (PRC.bd). PRC.bd is a specialized research and innovation institute that excels in conducting research on contemporary issues of development, SDG’s, the impact of climate change on tourism, probable marketing strategies for the tourism sector, disaster management, disaster risk reduction, etc. It also develops curriculum contents and materials, teaching techniques, and methods for educational institutions.
The MoU was signed by Prof. (Dr.) Akbaruddin Ahmad, Chairman of PRC (bd.) in the presence of Swami Vivekananda University administrative officials – Mr. Sourabh Adhikari, Chief Operating Officer, Prof. Dr. Pinak Pani Nath, Registrar, Mr. Subhasish Mazumder, General Manager of Swami Vivekananda University. Faculty members from the Dept. of Education and Dept. of English were also present in this occasion. This MoU will serve a common platform for research and innovation, exchange of students, research scholars, and faculty members’ internship, running collaborative projects, joint consultancy training programs, etc., and other relevant activities as agreed upon by both the institutions.

Address by Prof. Dr. Akbaruddin Ahmed, Vice-Chancellor (Retd.), Darul Ilsan Universitiy, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Chairman, Policy Research Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Earlier that day Prof. Akbaruddin Ahmed addressed the students of all the departments of Swami Vivekananda University on “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Education”. The address was followed by an interaction session with the students of the Dept. of English, Education, Bachelor in Hospital Management and Masters’ in Hospital Management which led to a fruitful exchange of ideas. The need of the two institutions in working together and in sharing resources for world best research was emphasised in his address and also expressed his hope in near future the greater opportunities in advancing all around development.
Professor Ahmed in his valedictory address thanked Hon’ble Chancellor Dr. Nandan Gupta Sir of Swami Vivekananda University , Prof. (Dr.) Subrata Kumar Dey Sir, Vice Chancellor, Prof.(Dr.) Pinak Pani Nath Sir, Registrar; and Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Sourabh Adhikari of Swami Vivekananda University. He also expressed his thanks to Prof. Dr. Prarthita Biswas of the Dept. of Education for organizing this event and giving him a valuable insight about this young yet vibrant University. He expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the students of Swami Vivekananda University as well as all the participants who listened to him in this session.
Social media link : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02nm4bbvkVR5jmXSYK1RmQtVH5FCNtHNdiLW5uyeX6TDsqNDebwPhSXgQg1u8AkVsql&id=100066803451677&mibextid=Nif5oz
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