Dr. R. DEVIKA, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,(Env.Sci.), PGDBI, M.Tech., Ph.D.,(BioEng.) is a
passionate teacher presently working as Professor Cum Research Promotion Management
Officer – AV campus, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Paiyanoor. Her
specializations are in Environmental Sciences and Bioengineering with 24.7 years of
Academic experiences and 4.5 Years industrial experiences. She completed her Ph.D under
CSIR – SRF Fellowship. She is an university rank holder right from Under Graduation till
M.Phil. She has completyed several certification courses consistently to acquire and update
her knowledge in her area of experitise. She is guiding two Ph.D scholars and guided one
in various fields of expertise. She has published 90 research papers in several peered
SCOPUS and Web of Science indexed National and International journals with high impact
factors. She has presented and participated in 132 National and International conferences /
seminars. She has published five books namely “Enzyme” and “Food Microbiology”,
“Biomedical Nanotechnology”, “Food, Agriculture, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology”
and “Recent advances in Biosciences and Bio-Engineering” and published several books
She has submitted 34 new Actinomycetes, Fungi and bacterial sequences in NCBI
database and published one patent. She has been recognized as Editor In Chief for Basic
Research Journal of Microbiology, Hononary Member of Editorial Board of IJBST group
of journals and as reviewer for several reputed peer journals. She is an active Life member
in several professional societies like Indian Science Congress, Indian Society for Technical
Education, Society for Biotechnologist, Society of Biological Chemist, Indian Association
of Biomedical Scientists, Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, International
Association of Engineers, Institute for Science, Engineering and Technology etc.
She has been as Chief Guest and delivered scientific lectures in the field of Biotechnology,
Bioinformatics and in FDPs in various institutions / organizations. As Head of the
department, she has organised two National and two International Conferences, six MoUs
with reputed industries and research laboratries, several guest lectures, workshops, hands
on trainiing, Industrial visits and seminars for students of Bioinformatics and

She has coordinated many awareness programs for villagers, school children, Polytechnic
colleges and Engineering colleges in the areas of food adulteration, Nuclear energy,
Vaccinations, Food and Nutrition, Vermi compost, Mushroom cultivation, TN ISTE
chapter conference etc. She has received sponsored funding around Rs 6,43,000/- for
conduction of conferences, awareness programs, Earth Day celebration, Entrepreneur
awareness program and for conducting Communal Harmony Celebrations from various
sectors of Govt. of India. As convener of Centre for Innovation and Excellence organised
several FDPs, Training programmes, Workshop, Micro teaching for faculty members of
various polytechnique college, Nursing colleges, Engineering colleges, Medical colleges
etc. in variuos places like Kanchipuram, Puducherry, Paiyanoor.
She is a recipient of several awards such as “Swathik Award for Proficiency, “The Best
Citizens of India Award, “Bharat Jyoti Award” ,“Certificate of Excellence”, “Bharat Ratna
Mother Teresa Gold Medal Award”, “Life Time Education Achievement Award-2016”,
“Inspirational Teacher Award”, “Human Handbook”, Short biography with photo in Asian
Admirable Achievers, “Highest Research Paper Publications – 2018”, “Lead Editor”, “Best
outstanding performance” in the contribution of Indian and Asian thickest book 2020 and
recently she received a Guinness record certificate for contributing a book in the World
thickest book “WORLD 2023” of 1,00,100 pages of 19 ft 34 inches.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/_drdevika?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ==
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61554203154610&mibextid=ZbWKwL