Three children were burnt alive while playing together in Bandara village in Nagana in Barmer district of Rajasthan. Three children, including siblings, were playing in the hut built just 500 meters away from the house. Then the hut caught fire. By the time the villagers reached, the three innocents lost their lives.

According to the police, there was a sudden fire in the hut built in the field at around 3 pm on Wednesday. As soon as the flames started rising, the villagers reached the spot. But by then it was too late. On seeing this, the hut became ashes and Sarupi, Ashok Singh and Rukma, who were playing in the hut, died. Ashok Singh and Rukma are siblings.
The relative of the deceased innocent says that my brother’s family lives with me. My brother Hingaul died four years ago, we had gone to a wedding ceremony in a neighbouring village. Behind me were my brother’s wife, my grandson and nephew-niece at home. The hut caught fire around 3 pm. Rukma and Ashok were sisters and brothers. Both lived with their mother. One of their brothers, Jujhar Singh, lives in Nanihal Mithada. The whole family is dependent on farming.

According to eyewitnesses, seeing smoke coming out of the hut, the children passing by started shouting. The villagers rushed to the spot. The children could not get out due to the fire towards the gate of the hut. Efforts were made to control the fire by bringing sand and water buckets, but it was too late. The bodies of the three children have been kept in the mortuary of the district hospital. The cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained.
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